Saturday, January 1, 2011

Clothes... from Costco!?

One thing I absolutely hate is spending too much money on clothes. I'm a full time student and currently don't work, and as such, I have to seriously prioritize my spending. I don't mean to say I dislike spending money on quality - but I find that you don't always get what you pay for. In this particular case, I've owned a couple of clothing items from Lululemon in the past and found that I wasn't overly impressed with the quality. The items I had stretched out not long after I got them.

However, a couple of weeks ago I picked up a hoodie and a pair of yoga pants from Costco. I LOVE yoga pants. I have a particularly hard time finding jeans that fit because I have 41 inch hips. While I'm certainly not complaining about this fact, finding jeans that stretch enough for me to be able to get them over my hips and still have them fit snugly on my waist is a near impossible feat.

The yoga pants I picked up from Costco (labeled 'Tuff Athletics") are great. They're stretchy but they hold their shape and they material is not too thin. The hoodie is one of the best I've ever owned. Both objects are well made and the stitching is excellent (nothing irritates me more than when the stitching in my clothing rips or begins to pull apart). Both the pants and the hoodie were about $19 and I honestly think these items compare to similar ones that cost more than triple the price.